A handwriting signature is a person’s unique, stylized way of signing their name, often used for personal identification and legal purposes. Many people sign only their initials (e.g., “M.D.”) or a stylized version of their full name. A signature is usually done in a way that it can be consistently replicated over time
Some people choose to make their signatures easy to read, while others prioritize flair and personal style, making their signatures more difficult below you see the multiple styles of S signature style.
S signature style photos
If you’re interested in experimenting with a style for your signature, I suggest practicing with these styles to see which one feels natural and represents your personality the best. You can also try the S signature style with the name if you’re name starts with the letter “S” signature style.
Santhosh Name Signature in Different Styles

Shakeel Name Signature in Different Styles

Your Name Signature in Different Styles
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